There are lots of words that can be used to describe the events of the Second World War, but "easy" will never be one of them. A fun project might be taking an ancestor who fought in World War II, and adding them into the game as a general. It is not hard to understand the game files and alter them.

However, it also means that this game is particularly well-suited for children who are interested in game design.
This does carry the risk of more explicit content, as new mods are not subject to approval before being uploaded. Some of these mods, such as the incredible Kaiserreich, are easily worth the purchase price of the game. This game is incredibly easy to mod, and Paradox has put a lot of work into supporting the modder community.
No review of Hearts of Iron IV would be complete without mention of the mod scene. Some of the historical figures are good role models, some are bad role models, and some of them are the actual Nazis. As for role models, well, it's World War II. A few military leaders are depicted smoking cigarettes or pipes, but that is the only representation of drinking or drugs. There is no sex or profanity in the base game. This is the main reason for the game's age recommendation. This game is not for those lacking in patience. Even then, hours of trial-and-error are required to even grasp the basics. The best way to learn this game is probably from watching Let's Plays on YouTube. Gameplay is very complex, and the tutorial is not adequate. The actual numbers and casualties are realistic for World War II, although historical atrocities are deliberately omitted. If you zoom in, you can see soldiers, tanks, warships, and planes moving and shooting at each other, but these are not realistic depictions, and the most violence you will see is an airplane being shot down (and vanishing before it crashes).

The warfare you see is generally about as violent as a board game. The game starts off in history, but events will usually deviate to some degree, creating innumerable alternate historical possibilities. Hearts of Iron IV (often abbreviated as HOI4) is a complex World War 2 strategy game, where a player leads their nation through World War 2.